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About Bev

Bev Art Expressions 

Christian Artist and Mentor

Hi, my name is Bev. I am from Brookville, OH which is located

west of Columbus, OH. I started drawing at the age of 7, but 

seriously began painting over 30 years ago. I feel God has gifted

me to express art through the love of Jesus Christ,  that makes

my heart sing. I encourage you to find the one thing that makes your heart sing. 


My passion is one of a kind artwork that gives you an original painting in acrylics. I 

commission landscape art and pet portraits that I paint from the photo you provide, expressing

your life onto a canvas to cherish. I also have a passion to express the love that pours from the

teachings of Jesus through prophetic art. "to give beauty for ashes, strength for fear..." Isaiah 61:3

I love to mentor individuals with a paintbrush in hand, to encourage and to know that

"you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength..." Philippians 4/13

Please check out my beautiful artwork! If you would like a commissioned piece, please

view my shop. Or send me a message for more information about individual art lessons.  

A percentage of all sales helps support survivors of street trafficking.

~ Bev

Fine Art Artist Bev Price from Brookville OH west or Columbus OH Ohio
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